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By Brandie Cox On Sep 29, 2024
Would you recommend it to Beginner? Intermediate? Advanced?
Due to it clips a little hard.It would be more of a toy for an advanced player.
Other users should buy the product if he/she...
Other users should NOT buy the product if he/she...
They dont like pain
They dont like pressure
If they are Sensitive in that area
Brandie Cox
Product Function:
All three of these work. Comes with a remote three little clips. And each of these little clips look like little whales.
Product Design:
This line is simple, easy to use.A kind of looks like a kids toy. Clipped on well, So keep a high from the kids. You could probably hang them up.
Product Packaging:
Packaging design was simple and easy to get to.It always like with the brand. Its super clean.
Delivery speed:
The package came in less than a week or about two weeks. Between there.
Easy hide
Design well
Stimulations well
Clip pain
Pressure is hard
Inconclusion, this toy would be great for anyone who likes pain or pressure on the areas. This is not best for anyone who or whom has sensitive to such area. design well overall. They look like little cute whales.You could probably hang them up and no one would notice what they really are.They might think they are for your chips. They each vibrate very good and they come with a remote and charger cord. The packaging is easy to open and easy to get two and shipping as well too. Other then this is well over all product but was not for me product.
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