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Very cool

By Anthony Perez On May 17, 2024
Amusement Park - BDSM Mask Collar Leash Set
4.6 out of 5
17 Reviews
Would you recommend it to Beginner? Intermediate? Advanced?
Anyone can use it no matter what its being used for.
Other users should buy the product if he/she...
Likes bdsm
Likes being choked
Likes pet play
Being blindfolded
Other users should NOT buy the product if he/she...
Doesn't like being blindfolded
Doesnt like being choked
Anthony Perez
Product Function:
Very high quality and durable, you could be rough with it and not damage it.
Product Design:
Very high quality, even the packaging was high quality.
Product Packaging:
Descreet packaging, very neat and hogh quality, came all organized.
Delivery speed:
Very fast delivery, faster than expected. Descreet bag.
Chains make a lot of noise
Came very fast in descreet packaging. The packaging itself was very neat and hogh quality they did a very good job on that. Unpacking it was easy not hard at all. The products themseleves are very very hogh quality, the quality is just immaculate the way everything is put together, no problems with anything at all. It can be used on anyone begginer or advanced it doesnt matter. Usage doesnt hurt at allot doesnt cause any discomfort whatsoever everything was all comfortable and effective just how it should be. Very high quality product and very worth it.
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