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A Great Vibrating Starter

By Andres Matos On May 02, 2024
Would you recommend it to Beginner? Intermediate? Advanced?
This is a sleek and simple dildo that doesn't push the user to his or her limits. Because of that, I think it's a great starter item. Something more girthy or intense would place it in intermediate or advanced.
Other users should buy the product if he/she...
Want to explore how different vibrations feel to their body.
Other users should NOT buy the product if he/she...
Very sensitive to vibrations or prefer dildos with more girth.
Andres Matos
Product Function:
The Pink Circle has vibration patterns that are strong and rumbly, catering to various preferences. It's a decent size but isn't overwhelming. Great starter.
Product Design:
The device is waterproof for easy cleaning, though it requires a decent amount of lubrication for comfortable use, I'd recommend silicone-based. Charging is via a magnetic port, which could definitely be more secure, but it still works! Just make sure not to bump it while charging. The handle makes it easy to use and is overall a great experience.
Product Packaging:
Yet again, Utimi is fantastic with its product package design and discreet shipping.
Delivery speed:
My item was shipping the next day and I received it later in the week. Speedy!
At shallow insertions the vibrations are powerful and exciting.
Virbrations seem to fiz out the deeper you go.
The Pink Circle is yet another Utimi toy I'll be adding to my collection! Its sleek design yet powerful vibrations are great for anyone starting out with penetration play. I'd recommend a healthy amount of lube and to shy away from water-based lubricants. The charging port on the device might be a little flimsy, but if you're careful not to bump the device while it's charging, you'll be fine. I would recommend this to anyone in the beginner-almost intermediate level, as it's not the largest or most powerful vibrating dildo you can find. Even if you're at the advanced level, the Pink Circle, at shallow insertions, can still feel electrifying. You might as well add it to your collection :)
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