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Well made and fun but not quite perfect

By JD Wright On Jan 19, 2024
Would you recommend it to Beginner? Intermediate? Advanced?
It's a fun toy for play and foreplay, but for those who need deeper or more intense stimulation to get there, you likely won't get it from this toy. It can definitely be fun for couple play or to use with foreplay or bondage scenes.
Other users should buy the product if he/she...
Like the idea of an insertable remote-controlled vibe for foreplay.
Tend to be sensitive to vibrations and enjoy a lighter feel
Other users should NOT buy the product if he/she...
Is looking for a product with very rumbly or deep vibrations
Isn't okay fiddling with connections every now and then
JD Wright
Product Function:
Overall it was very easy to use and intuitive. The remote connected well and was response, but it would have been nice to have some sort of indicator or haptic feedback on the remote to be able to tell when the vibe was on or off. I found that I had to ask my partner whether it turned on or off at times. The vibration was solid and the tapping part worked fine as well. The app was fun but a bit less intuitive, and the biggest issue was that it would occasionally disconnect from the app while playing and it was hard to get it reconnected sometimes. A couple times we just had to close out and get back in to trigger a reconnect, which definitely put a crimp in the mood.
Product Design:
Overall seemed to be very high-quality and well-built. The silicone felt soft to the touch and with the magnetic charging I didn't have any worries about waterproofness. The placement of the tapping piece was odd. I assume it was designed to hit the g-spot, but it was definitely too low for us. Having that function closer to the tip of the vibe would have given it a better chance of "landing." I also wonder if the tapping portion may have worked better on the clitoral side rather than internally. The experience was definitely unique inside, but I feel like it may have had more effect externally. I don't want to knock it too much because it could have just been a fit thing and it might hit other people's spots perfectly. It did stay in play pretty well and the magnet was attractive and smooth. There's always going to be a little bit of movement and slipping with a wear-in rabbit like this so that was expected, but also another reason why having the tapping function deeper would have been helpful.
Product Packaging:
Beautifully packaged and very professional feeling. Everything was in there and easy to find and the packaging lent a premium feel to the device.
Delivery speed:
Delivery was quick and easy. It came sooner than expected.
Well crafted
Remote works well and connects consistently
Stays in place
Has nice levels and programs for vibrations
Allows for creation of your own vibration patterns and programs
Doesn't align to directly hit g-spot
Clitoral stimulation is more diffuse and doesn't feel like it quite hits it
App bluetooth connection drops sometimes and is difficult to reestablish
Overall a well-built product with some fun features. The ability to play with the app was great, and the built-in stories were higher quality and more fun than expected. As a toy to built interest and get things warmed up it will be a lot of fun, but I wish that things aligned a bit better and that the sensations were more focused on our pleasure spots. The connections issues with the app were the most frustrating part, but we were able to get past them once we got a strategy down. Definitely a toy we'll keep in the rotation as it fills a gap for a hand-free vibrator that could lead to some fun play.
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