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Tantric Masturbation: 11 Techniques and 7 Benefits

By Utimi Team On Aug 10, 2023

You might think of tantric sex as a partnered experience, but have you ever considered exploring it solo? Tantric masturbation is a journey into self-love that's both spiritual and sensual. It's about connecting with yourself on a deeper level and discovering pleasure in a whole new way. Ready to dive in? Let's explore.

What is Tantric Masturbation?

Tantric masturbation isn't just about physical pleasure; it's a mindful practice that invites you to explore your body and soul. Unlike traditional masturbation, which often focuses on quick satisfaction, tantric masturbation encourages you to slow down, breathe, and truly connect with yourself. It's rooted in ancient spiritual traditions but has evolved into a modern, heart-centered practice that you can incorporate into your daily life. Think of it as a personal journey into pleasure, self-discovery, and enlightenment.

How to Practice Tantric Masturbation:
Set an Intention

Setting an intention is your compass in the journey of tantric masturbation. It's a heartfelt desire that guides your exploration, connecting you to what you truly seek. It's a personal desire or feeling you want to explore during this intimate journey. Are you seeking relaxation, self-love, or perhaps a new understanding of pleasure? Your intention is your guide.
Take a quiet moment to connect with yourself. What do you need right now? What are you curious about? Your intention can be as simple or profound as you like. It's about what resonates with you.
As you move through your practice, your intention keeps you focused and connected. It adds depth to your experience, turning a physical act into something more meaningful. Your intention is your personal touch, your unique expression of what you want this time to be. Embrace it, and let it lead you into a world of self-discovery and joy. It's not just about pleasure; it's about connecting with yourself on a deeper level.
Make a Comfortable Environment

Your environment plays a vital role in your tantric masturbation experience. It's not just a place; it's a sanctuary where you'll explore, discover, and connect with yourself. Preparing your environment is like setting the stage for a beautiful, intimate performance with yourself as the star.
Start by choosing a space where you feel comfortable and safe. It could be your bedroom, bathroom, or any private nook that feels right. Now, think about what makes a place feel sensual and inviting to you. Soft lighting? Gentle music? Fragrant scents? These touches aren't mere decorations; they're part of the experience. If you don't want a handheld masturbator, then this Dark Knight masturbator is recommended to have, the point is that it is less noisy. Surprisingly, it comes with a complimentary headphone + voice function, which speaks to a particularly great experience if you enjoy moaning!

Consider lighting some candles or dimming the lights to create a warm glow. Play music that soothes or excites you, depending on your intention. Maybe add some aromatic oils or incense that awaken your senses. Arrange pillows or blankets to make yourself comfortable. Every detail matters.
As you prepare your space, you're also preparing yourself. You're signaling to your mind and body that this is a special time, a moment to be savored. It's an act of self-care, a way to honor yourself and your desires.
Time Your Journey (If Needed)

Time can be both a friend and a foe in tantric masturbation. On one hand, you want to lose yourself in the experience, free from the constraints of schedules and commitments. On the other hand, life's responsibilities might be calling, and you need to ensure that this sacred time doesn't spill into other obligations.
Setting a timer might seem counterintuitive to a practice that's all about immersion and exploration, but it can actually be a liberating tool. By allocating a specific window for your practice, you're giving yourself permission to be fully present. You're telling yourself, "This is my time, and I'm free to enjoy it without interruption."
Whether it's 30 minutes or an hour, choose a duration that feels right for you. It doesn't have to be long; even a brief escape into the world of tantric pleasure can be deeply fulfilling. Set your timer, and then forget about it. Let it be a gentle guardian of your time, ensuring that you can dive deep without worry.
Remember, this is about creating a space where you can truly connect with yourself. Your timer isn't a countdown; it's a protective boundary that holds the world at bay, allowing you to explore, feel, and savor every moment. It's a simple tool with a powerful purpose: to let you be here, now, fully engaged in the pleasure and discovery of self-love. It's your time, and you deserve to enjoy it without distraction or concern. Let your timer set you free, and embrace the joy of being present with yourself.

Your breath is a bridge between your body and soul in tantric masturbation. It's a rhythmic dance that guides your exploration, connecting you to the present moment.
As you begin your practice, take a moment to focus on your breath. Feel the air as it enters your nostrils, fills your lungs, and then gently escapes. Notice the rise and fall of your chest, the subtle movements of your body as it responds to this life-giving force. Your breath is a living symphony, and you are the conductor.
Now, deepen your breath. Inhale slowly, savoring the sensation, and then exhale with equal care. Let your breath become a meditation, a mindful practice that anchors you in the here and now. Feel how it energizes and relaxes you, how it moves through your body like a gentle wave.
As you explore your body, let your breath guide you. Sync your touch with your inhalations and exhalations, creating a harmonious dance of pleasure and awareness. Your breath can intensify your experience, adding depth and emotion to every caress.
If you find your mind wandering or your body tensing, return to your breath. It's your grounding force, your constant companion on this journey of self-discovery. It's a reminder to be present, to feel, and to embrace the pleasure of being alive.
Discover Pleasure in Non-genital Areas

Your body is a landscape of pleasure, and your secondary erogenous zones are hidden treasures waiting to be explored. It's about discovering new sensations and honoring your body's complexity.
Begin with gentle curiosity. What does the inside of your wrist feel like under your fingertips? How does your neck respond to a soft kiss or a warm breath? Explore your inner thighs, your ankles, your lower back. These areas may not be the stars of the show, but they have their own unique allure.
Use different types of touch. Stroke, caress, tap, or even lightly scratch. Discover what feels good, what awakens your senses, what makes you sigh with pleasure. There's no rush, no goal, only the joy of exploration.
As you connect with these secondary erogenous zones, you're doing more than just seeking pleasure; you're honoring your body in its entirety. You're recognizing that every part of you is worthy of love and attention. You're building a deeper, more nuanced understanding of what pleasure means to you.
Make It Slow-Motion

Slow-motion masturbation is a journey, not a destination. It's about savoring each touch, each sensation, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Begin with a gentle touch, as if you're meeting this part of yourself for the first time. Feel the warmth, the texture, the responsiveness. Allow your fingers to explore, to dance, to communicate. There's no rush, no script, only the unfolding story of sensation and connection.
As you move, let your touch be a meditation, a mindful expression of self-love. Notice how your body responds, how pleasure builds in waves, how your breath syncs with your movements. This is not about racing to orgasm; it's about understanding what pleasure means to you.
Experiment with different pressures, rhythms, and techniques. What feels good today? What surprises you? What invites you to go deeper? Your body is a landscape of pleasure, and you are the explorer, charting new territories of joy and intimacy.
If you find yourself slipping into old habits or rushing towards climax, pause and breathe. Return to the slow-motion dance, the mindful exploration, the loving connection. This is your time to be with yourself, to honor your body, to celebrate your sensuality.
Enhance with Lubrication

Lubrication is more than a practical tool in tantric masturbation; it's a sensual enhancer that adds silk to your touch, amplifying pleasure.
Think of lube as a gentle invitation to glide, to slide, to explore with ease and grace. It softens the friction, allowing your fingers or toys to move with a fluidity that feels luxurious and indulgent. It's like adding silk to your touch, a layer of sensuality that amplifies pleasure.
Whether you're exploring primary or secondary erogenous zones, lube can be a delightful companion. It can awaken new sensations, deepen your connection with your body, and add a playful quality to your exploration.
Choose a lube that feels right for you. There are many options, from water-based to silicone, from scented to flavor-infused. Your choice of lube can be a personal expression of what you enjoy, what intrigues you, what makes you feel good.
As you apply the lube, do so with intention and care. Feel how it changes the texture of your touch, how it invites you to move in new ways, how it adds a richness to your experience. Let it be a part of the dance, a partner in pleasure that enhances your journey.
Express Pleasure Through Sound

Sound is a voice that gives life to your sensations in tantric masturbation. It's an expression of pleasure, a vibration that resonates with your body's natural rhythms.
As you explore your body, allow yourself to make sounds that feel authentic. It might be a soft sigh, a gentle moan, or even a joyful laugh. There's no right or wrong sound, only what feels true to you in the moment.
Sound can be a powerful tool in your tantric practice. It helps move energy through your body, activating different centers and enhancing your overall experience. It's a way to connect with yourself on a deeper level, to give voice to your pleasure, to celebrate your sensuality.
If making sound feels unfamiliar or uncomfortable, start small. Breathe deeply and let your breath carry a soft hum or a gentle sigh. Feel how it vibrates in your chest, how it adds a new dimension to your touch, how it connects you to the present moment.
As you become more comfortable, let your sounds evolve. Follow your body's lead, and let your voice be a reflection of your pleasure. It's a conversation with yourself, a dialogue of touch and response that adds richness and depth to your experience.
Consider Incorporating Sex Toys or Other Things

The journey of tantric masturbation is a deeply personal one, a dance that you choreograph according to your desires, your curiosity, and your comfort. While your body and mind are the primary players in this intimate exploration, you may choose to invite other aids to enhance your experience. These aids are not mere accessories; they're partners in pleasure, tools that can add new dimensions to your journey.
Whether it's a favorite sex toy, a soft feather, a piece of silk, or even a book of poetry, the aids you choose are expressions of what intrigues you, what delights you, what calls to your sensual soul.
If you choose to bring in a sex toy, let it be an extension of your touch, a way to explore new sensations or deepen familiar ones. Feel how it interacts with your body, how it resonates with your intention, how it adds a unique flavor to your pleasure. Click here to check out Utimi's recommendations for toys that are definitely not boring and surprising!
Perhaps you're drawn to something more subtle, like the gentle caress of a feather or the luxurious glide of silk against your skin. These tactile delights can awaken your senses, adding a playful, sensual quality to your exploration.
Even words can be an aid in your tantric practice. Reading a piece of erotic literature or a poem that moves you can stir your imagination, fueling your pleasure with the power of language and fantasy.
Maintain Conscious Breathing

Your breath is the constant melody that weaves through every moment, every touch, every sensation. It's more than a physical necessity; it's a rhythmic guide, a grounding force, a connection to the present. Keeping your breath flowing is not just about inhaling and exhaling; it's about maintaining a conscious connection with the life force within you.
As you delve deeper into your exploration, as pleasure builds and sensations intensify, it's easy to lose touch with your breath. You might find yourself holding it, rushing it, or even forgetting it. But your breath is your anchor, your reminder to stay present, to stay connected, to stay in the dance.
Keep breathing, consciously and intentionally. Feel how your breath moves with your body, how it ebbs and flows with your pleasure, how it vibrates with your emotions. Let it be a part of your experience, a partner in your pleasure that adds depth and nuance to every moment.
Even as you approach orgasm, keep breathing. Your breath can intensify the experience, carrying pleasure through your entire body, turning a fleeting moment into a lingering, full-body embrace. It's a way to transcend the physical and touch the spiritual, to turn pleasure into a profound connection with yourself.
Add a Mirror

Adding a mirror can be a transformative experience. It's not just about seeing; it's about witnessing, reflecting, and connecting with yourself in a way that transcends the physical. A mirror is more than a piece of glass; it's a window into your soul, a tool that can deepen your understanding of yourself and your pleasure.
As you begin your practice, position a mirror where you can see yourself. Look into your eyes, see your body, witness your expressions. What do you see? What do you feel? How do you respond to your own gaze?
A mirror invites you to be both the observer and the observed, to see yourself as you are in this moment, beautiful, sensual, alive. It's a way to connect with yourself on a deeper level, to recognize your beauty, to celebrate your sensuality.
As you explore your body, watch how you move, how you touch, how you respond. See the pleasure in your eyes, the joy in your smile, the authenticity in your expressions. Let the mirror reflect not just your body but your emotions, your energy, your essence.
Adding a mirror can also be a playful, exciting way to discover new sensations, new angles, new ways to pleasure yourself. It's a visual feast, a new perspective, a way to see yourself as you've never seen before.

Benefits of Tantric Masturbation

More Pleasure

The practice of tantric masturbation is not an isolated act; it's a pathway to deeper understanding, greater connection, and enhanced pleasure in all aspects of your sexual life. It's more than a technique; it's a philosophy, a way of approaching pleasure that can transform your sexual experiences into something more profound, more satisfying, more beautiful.
By exploring your body through tantric masturbation, you're learning about what pleases you, what excites you, what connects you to your sensual core. You're building a relationship with yourself that is based on curiosity, respect, and love. This self-awareness is a powerful tool that can translate into better, more pleasurable sex with a partner.
The skills you cultivate, the insights you gain, the connection you build with yourself can all be shared in your sexual relationships. The slow-motion exploration, the mindful breathing, the intentional touch, the authentic expression—all these elements can be woven into your sexual encounters, adding depth, intimacy, and pleasure.
Potential for Multi-Orgasmic Experiences

In the rich tapestry of tantric masturbation, the potential for multi-orgasmic experiences is a tantalizing possibility, a horizon that beckons with promise and allure. It's more than a physical feat; it's a journey into uncharted territories of pleasure, a dance that transcends the conventional boundaries of arousal and satisfaction.
Multi-orgasmic experiences are not about quantity but quality, not about chasing climax but embracing a continuous flow of pleasure. It's a state where orgasms become waves, each one leading to the next, each one a unique expression of joy, connection, and fulfillment.
The path to multi-orgasmic experiences begins with mindfulness, intention, and a deep connection with your body. It's about understanding your arousal, recognizing your triggers, and learning to ride the waves of pleasure without rushing to a final destination.
Techniques like slow-motion masturbation, conscious breathing, and intentional touch all play a role in cultivating this potential. It's about building pleasure without tension, about exploring arousal without expectation, about being present with each sensation, each moment, each breath.
If you find yourself on the brink of orgasm, you can choose to pause, breathe, and redirect the energy. Feel how it moves through your body, how it connects with different centers, how it transforms into something more than a fleeting climax.
Awakened Spirituality

The practice of tantric masturbation is not merely a physical exploration; it's a spiritual awakening, a path that connects the body, mind, and soul in a harmonious dance of pleasure and consciousness. It's more than self-love; it's self-realization, a way to tap into the deeper currents of your being and awaken a spirituality that resonates with your true self.
In the world of tantra, pleasure is not separate from spirituality; it's a gateway, a language through which the soul speaks, a vibration that aligns you with the essence of life. Your body is not just a vessel for pleasure; it's a temple, a sacred space where the divine resides.
As you explore your body through tantric masturbation, you're doing more than seeking pleasure; you're seeking connection, understanding, enlightenment. You're recognizing that your sexuality is a part of your spirituality, a beautiful expression of your divine nature.
Mindful breathing, intentional touch, conscious presence—all these elements of tantric practice are tools to awaken your spirituality. They guide you into a state of awareness, a place where pleasure transcends the physical and touches the soul.
This awakened spirituality is not confined to the moments of your practice; it's a way of being, a perspective that enriches your life, your relationships, your understanding of yourself and the world. It's a reminder that you are connected to something greater, that you are a part of a cosmic dance, that you are beautiful in your complexity and divinity.

Cultivate Self-Compassion

The practice of tantric masturbation is not just a pathway to pleasure; it's a journey towards a deeper, more compassionate relationship with yourself. It's more than self-indulgence; it's self-care, self-respect, self-love. It's a way to cultivate a sense of compassion for yourself that nourishes your soul and enriches your life.
As you explore your body, your desires, your sensations, you're also exploring your relationship with yourself. You're learning to see yourself with kind eyes, to touch yourself with gentle hands, to speak to yourself with a loving voice. You're recognizing that you are worthy of pleasure, of care, of love.
Self-compassion is not a given; it's a practice, a choice, a way of being with yourself that acknowledges your humanity, your vulnerability, your beauty. It's a way to honor yourself, not just as a sexual being but as a complex, multifaceted individual.
The slow, mindful, intentional approach of tantric masturbation invites you to be present with yourself, to listen to your body, to honor your feelings. It's a way to build a connection with yourself that is based on understanding, empathy, and compassion.
This boosted sense of self-compassion extends beyond the moments of your practice. It's a perspective that can transform your relationship with yourself, your interactions with others, your approach to life. It's a reminder that you are enough, that you are valuable, that you are deserving of love and kindness.
Reduce Stress

In the intricate dance of life, stress is an all-too-common companion, a shadow that can weigh heavily on the mind, body, and soul. The practice of tantric masturbation offers a sanctuary, a space where stress can be released, transformed, and transcended. It's more than a momentary escape; it's a healing journey, a way to reconnect with yourself and find peace in the midst of chaos.
As you enter the world of tantric pleasure, you're invited to leave behind the burdens of stress, to shed the worries, the tensions, the pressures that cling to you. You're invited to be present, to be mindful, to be in your body, here and now.
The slow, intentional, loving approach of tantric masturbation is a balm for the stressed soul. It's a way to touch yourself with kindness, to breathe with awareness, to move with grace. It's a way to honor yourself, not just as a sexual being but as a human being in need of care, connection, and compassion.
As you explore pleasure, as you connect with your breath, as you dance with your desires, you're also releasing stress, untying knots, soothing wounds. You're allowing yourself to be, to feel, to heal.
The benefits of this stress reduction are profound, extending beyond the moments of your practice into your daily life, your relationships, your overall well-being. It's a way to cultivate resilience, balance, and inner peace. It's a reminder that you have the power to choose calm, to choose joy, to choose love.
Rejuvenate Your Skin

The practice of tantric masturbation is a dance that resonates not only with the soul but also with the body, leaving tangible, beautiful traces in its wake. Among these benefits, the potential for improved skin appearance stands as a testament to the profound connection between pleasure, well-being, and physical health. It's more than a superficial glow; it's a radiance that reflects the harmony, joy, and vitality cultivated through this intimate practice.
As you explore the world of tantric pleasure, you're engaging in a holistic experience that nourishes the body from the inside out. The deep, mindful breathing oxygenates the blood, the loving touch stimulates circulation, the release of pleasure hormones nurtures the skin. Together, these elements create a symphony of well-being that can manifest in a more vibrant, more youthful, more radiant complexion.
The reduction of stress, a common companion of this practice, also plays a vital role in skin health. By calming the mind, soothing the soul, and relaxing the body, you're creating an environment where the skin can thrive, heal, and glow.
This improved skin appearance is not just a physical benefit; it's a visual reminder of the beauty of self-love, self-care, self-connection. It's a reflection of the joy, the peace, the pleasure that you cultivate through your tantric practice. It's a way to see, to touch, to celebrate the profound impact of pleasure on your overall well-being.
Relieve Period Cramps

In the diverse and holistic landscape of tantric masturbation, the potential for period cramp relief emerges as a surprising yet profound benefit. It's more than a physical remedy; it's a compassionate response to the body's natural rhythms, a way to embrace, soothe, and honor the feminine cycle with love, understanding, and pleasure.
Period cramps, a common discomfort for many, can be approached through the lens of tantra as an opportunity for self-care, self-connection, and self-healing. The mindful, intentional, loving practice of tantric masturbation can be a balm for the body, a way to ease pain, relax muscles, and create a sense of well-being.
The deep, rhythmic breathing that accompanies this practice can help relax the uterine muscles, easing tension and reducing cramps. The gentle, loving touch can stimulate blood flow, nourishing the affected area and promoting healing. The release of pleasure hormones like endorphins can act as natural pain relievers, creating a sense of comfort and joy.
This approach to period cramp relief is not just about alleviating pain; it's about embracing the body's natural cycle, recognizing its wisdom, and responding with care and compassion. It's a way to turn a moment of discomfort into an opportunity for pleasure, connection, and self-love.
The practice of tantric masturbation for period cramp relief is a personal journey, guided by intuition, comfort, and individual needs. It's a dance with the body, a dialogue with the self, a pathway to a more harmonious, more loving relationship with your feminine nature.


Q: Is tantric masturbation suitable for everyone?
A: Yes, tantric masturbation can be practiced by individuals of all genders and sexual orientations. It's a personal journey, and you can adapt the practice to suit your comfort level and preferences.
Q: Do I need any special equipment or tools to practice tantric masturbation?
A: While you can incorporate aids like sex toys or mirrors, they are entirely optional. The primary tools are your body, breath, and intention. You can create a sensual experience with simple things like soft lighting or music.
Q: How often should I practice tantric masturbation?
A: There's no prescribed frequency for tantric masturbation. It's a personal practice, and you can engage in it as often or as infrequently as feels right for you.
Q: Can I practice tantric masturbation if I have a partner?
A: Absolutely! Tantric masturbation can be a solo practice or integrated into partnered sexual experiences. Sharing your discoveries with a partner can enhance intimacy and mutual pleasure.
Q: Is it normal to feel emotional during or after tantric masturbation?
A: Tantric masturbation is a deeply personal and sometimes spiritual practice. It's not uncommon to experience a range of emotions, from joy and empowerment to vulnerability. Embrace these feelings as part of the journey.
Q: Can I combine tantric masturbation with other mindfulness or self-care practices?
A: Yes, tantric masturbation aligns well with other mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga. It's a form of self-care and can be integrated into your overall wellness routine.
Q: Is there any risk or downside to practicing tantric masturbation?
A: Tantric masturbation is generally considered safe and beneficial. However, always listen to your body and proceed with care and consent. If you have specific health concerns, consult with a healthcare provider or sexual health professional.
Q: Where can I learn more or find guidance on tantric masturbation?
A: There are books, workshops, and professionals specializing in tantric practices who can provide guidance. Always choose reputable sources and consider what resonates with your personal beliefs and comfort level.


Tantric masturbation might sound intimidating, but its benefits, pleasure, and body-awareness make it worth exploring. It's more than just a sexual practice; it's a journey of self-discovery and self-love.
Whether you're new to tantra or looking to deepen your practice, embracing tantric masturbation can be a transformative experience. Your mind, body, heart, and soul will thank you.
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